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Our Lab Team
the head of the laboratory and generator of ideas.

Keeps his hand on the pulse of high-tech development and monitors innovations and trends. Enjoys solving irregular issues, appreciates communication with unique and creative people.
General manager, IT generalist and VoIP expert. Development/maintenance of SW/HW infrastructure and technical support. He knows exactly “what happened” and “what to do” to fix issues as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Male Pole Dance is another passion in his life.
she works with customers and partners. Quick reaction, instant understanding of the essence of the issue, comprehensive answers to any question and solutions to any problem.

She likes landscape design and experiments with the interior design. Inspired by fantasy fiction and spiritual literature.
SW design and programming. Searching for the complex solutions for technological tasks following with development and continuous support — from creating the concepts to writing software components.

Passionate chess player and open source software paradigm devotee.